Sunday 28 June 2015

Eulogy for Emma Kinniburgh - 18th August 1971 - 14th June 2015, delivered to a packed St Mary's Church, Bramshott, Hampshire on Friday 26th June, 2015

I was sitting deep in the Devil’s Punchbowl on Wednesday remembering Emma and looking for inspiration for this Eulogy. As I tried to think of clever stories and potted histories I think I came up with the 3 things that were precious to her - People, Places and Shared experiences, never material things, apart from the odd diamond, aquamarine and a Honda Jazz.  She loved people, she loved going to places with people and she loved to share experiences with people. 
This is one of these days which we always knew would come but always hoped and prayed would never come.  It seemed that Emma would go on to beat the odds for ever.  But In the end Emma’s death was shockingly quick and none of us were ready for it, except perhaps Emma.  But In life as in death she left with grace, beauty and incredible strength. We should all take enormous comfort from the fact that she was out and about until the Friday before her death, drinking prosecco and enjoying coffees, lunches and evenings with her girlfriends. I cannot believe how blessed I was to have a chance to say goodbye whilst we waited together for the ambulance at 4.00 a.m. on Sunday. She told me she was ready to die and that she was not scared and what a wonderful and happy life she had had. In true Emma fashion, she was still making notes about her funeral at 1.15 a.m. despite severe respiratory problems, including "no black, it's too depressing" and "no watery instant coffee, Pimms or Prosecco much more my thing". (tray bake ambulance story).
You may struggle with this concept but please know that I am the luckiest man in this church today.  I got to marry Emma Quickfall, how amazing is that, and I remained married to her for 15 years.  We have three wonderful children, a lovely family home, a cheeky little dog called Mac and enough memories for 5 marriages. 
If we play some Emma word association for a minute. There are a few words that we could never be associated with Emma:  a great interest in cars, aircraft, defence equipment, ships, trains (that’s me out then). Other phrases include: loved getting up in the morning, laughed out loud at the telly (she rarely did that), good chocolate mousse (never mastered that one), and other more serious words too that you could never ever link to Emma – show-off, attention seeker, unkind, mean spirited, victim, patient, cancer sufferer, self-pity, defined by the disease - NEVER those words. 
The words that are forever associated with Emma are a far more interesting and engaging list: loving mummy, wonderful wife, loving daughter, adoring sister, fun cousin, great auntie, dedicated godmother and god daughter, loving mummy, faithful and generous friend, marvellous mimic, quietly inspiring woman, worshipper, organiser, class rep, linguist, marathon runner, hostess, dog walker, swimmer, NCT’er, PTA’er, photographer, scholar, teacher, top PA, singer, pianist, oboeist, twitcher, ballet watcher, loving mummy, card sender, book club member, Church Thursday morning group attender, good listener, ranconteur, prosecco drinker, leg puller. 
Emma was a creator of things too:  most especially wonderful memories for all of us, but also casseroles, curries, roast dinners, Rebecca Holly Kinniburgh, dinner parties, birthday cakes, cup cakes, canapes, James Andrew McKay Kinniburgh, triple layer carrot cakes, lemon drizzle cakes, Hannah Charlotte Kinniburgh,  tray bakes, mince pies, picnics, ice cream, lemon meringue pie, crumbles, pizzas, bread,  cards, origami, costumes.
I know I am meant to give you potted history of Emma’s life and achievements.  She was born in Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent the first child of Colin and Alison Quickfall and with hair like a bog brush I seem to remember someone saying.  Emma’s first proper friend was Joanna Chieveley who is here today. Extract from Jo’s letter……….
"As you know well, Emma was my first and my best friend...........When I met Emma, we were two - at Mrs Dell's nursery school.  I remember Ems with her famous pudding bowl haircut and her blue NHS glasses.  We were best of friends from the beginning.  She always made me laugh - oh the giggles we had!  When we were at Derwent Lodge we had lessons in the kindergarten room - Emma (only Emma!) discovered that if we sat for long enough on these soft foam orange footballs - we could change their shape completely from round balls to perfect eggs - and if we sat for longer, we could flatten them completely (guess you had to be there!). We loved playing dares too. Emma was brilliant at thinking them up - some of her classics were "I dare you to sit on the table and bark" or "do a loud fake sneeze!". She was always funny and always so very kind. 
When we were at Grammar School I went away to see my penfriend for two weeks on my own.  I remember she wrote me this long, funny letter to read on the plane - she made a whole 'pack of it' in a brown envelope with puzzles and games and jokes, She wrote it all to keep my spirits up - and it did - but it also made me cry as I realised I missed her so much.  
I have so many wonderful memories - school, our year out in Austria (can you imagine us on those t-bar chair lifts!), Japan, Clapham....and Balham."
At Grammar School she also became friendly with Katie who is also here.  Emma always claimed to me that she wasn’t that bright she just worked hard.  However, to gain place at St Andrews University is no easy matter.  University seemed to provide the chance for her to fly and she sang, played in orchestras, drank quite a bit, ran committees, went to balls, drank a bit more. I also discovered that she snogged almost all of her male friends over a 5 year period which was nice.  They all seem fairly nice chaps! She also lived in Salzburg in Austria for a year honing her German language skills and three months in Tours in France. She graduated with a 2:1 in French and German including a dissertation on Der Fladermouse.  Her friends from university are lifelong and Jen (from New Zealand) and Alice (from Lichtenstein) are here representing them today. 
Emma decided that settling down was not for her and enrolled on the Japanese Government sponsored JET programme.  Teaching English to Japanese school children.  The combination of long blonde hair, long legs and a winning personality ensured Emma became quite a local celebrity.  However, she reached the end of her tether when she noticed someone looking at her through binoculars as she beat her futon.  Her friends from Japan were also life long (have you spotted a pattern yet?), Zoe, Viv (both here today), Jo (again), Jen (again).  She left Japan on the slow boat to China with her dear friend Leslie (in California) and together they travelled S.E. Asia and Australasia.  Emma’s brother James 21st birthday present from Emma was diving off the Great Barrier reef in Oz. Emma eventually returned to the UK and met her close friend Keith.  She worked for Hydrick and Struggles as a PA to one of the partners and then moved to Egg the world’s first internet bank as PA to the incredible Chief Marketing Officer Richard Duvall. She loved this job and she loved working for Richard.
We met at a dinner party hosted by Alice.  I invited myself via Jim (also here from Hong Kong) and Emma and I hit it off immediately, she couldn’t resist my ginger goatie!.  Mulled wine party following day (business card – Jim), hour long conversation on Christmas eve 1998. Dinner in Jan 1999. Two very nervous pints pre Emma’s late arrival. Shared bottle of wine in the pub, two bottles of wine in the restaurant – don’t remember what we ate, sang to her, The Greatest Discovery from Elton John about the moment parents introduce their first child to its baby brother. 
We got engaged in the Aug 1999, watched the sun go down on the Millenium on the end of Lizard Point in Cornwall and were married in March 2000.  We moved to Haslemere, met our wonderful NCT friends who I think are all here today, and had Hannah in Nov 2002.  Moved to Somersham, Cambs and then couldn’t wait to get back. James nearly popped out on the Huntingdon bypass in Cambs.  Moved back to Grayshott in 2006, welcomed by our old NCT mates and the rent a social life service provided by the Duerdens, Sue, Rosie and others.  And so began our association with Grayshott, Headley and Headley Down and Grayshott Primary School and joining the most incredible community anyone could imagine.  In August 2007 Rebecca was born and then exactly 7 years ago we bought Mulberry Cottage.  We have been so very lucky.  Lucky to move to this area, lucky to find so many dear and lifelong friends, lucky to live in a lovely house and lucky to live near a town with amazing doctors and nurses and hospitals.   The last 15 years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of my life and I think were for Emma too. 
Hannah, James, Rebecca and I will love her and miss her always and for ever, but she shall be our guiding light throughout our lives and we will endeavour to make her proud of us in all that we do. It has been the most incredible privilege to have been husband to Emma for 15 years. She was so very proud of you my darlings.  You will remember her and you will I hope draw strength from Mummy’s example in sickness and in health. Look around you today my darlings.  All these people are here to say we love you Emma. She was amazing but then you already know that. So Emma and Mummy, we will carry you in our hearts and in our lives for ever - how lucky we all were to have Emma in our lives.
I would like to close with a Rabbie Burns poem:
“My love is like a red, red rose 
That's newly sprung in June: 
My love is like the melody 
That's sweetly played in tune. 

How fair art thou, my bonnie lass, 
So deep in love am I; 
And I will love thee still, my dear, 
Till all the seas gang dry. 

Till all the seas gang dry, my dear, 
And the rocks melt with the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear, 
While the sands of life shall run. 

And fare thee weel, my only love. 
And fare thee weel awhile! 
And I will come again, my love, 
Though it were ten thousand mile.” 

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Update 22 - 18th March, 2015

OH YEH BABY - twice in 24 hours!!!  Andy, Louise, Gav, Victoria, Anne Marie and Viv thanks for your words of encouragement. They have worked.  A bit of a frustrating morning at the Royal Marsden.  We saw another doctor (not cute and not European!) this morning but who at least had comprehensive notes on Emma from her last trip, so we are making progress in that department.  They have done some molecular analysis and Emma's cancer has mutated apparently.  So based on that data they thought they had a suitable trial which focused on that mutation.  However, the treatment came in the form of horse tranquilizer sized tablet which Emma cannot swallow. So its back to the drawing board now.  It was a bit frustrating, but we met a fantastic nurse specialist who was really helpful and made a couple of calls and offered some great advice, so it was not a wanted journey.  They will keep in touch by phone now and call Emma over when they need to see her.

James and Rebecca have a day off tomorrow at a local secondary school where they will rehearse for the day and then play in an orchestra in the evening which is very exciting. Violin for Rebecca, guitar for James. I was leading the comb and paper section but unfortunately now need to be in Lincolnshire.  Anyway you are now up to speed which is a miracle in itself.

On the work front I continue to try to grow my new business BizSchool.  We have just completed a course at the Abbey School in Woodbridge in Suffolk.  Anyone who thinks their children or their school would benefit from a fantastic business course culminating in the children actually going into business then just let me know.  We can be found at or email me at

The Abbey students hard at work refining the winning business plan which combines a car wash with shoe polishing.  Genius.    

The Master of the Abbey with BizSchool's Matt King (left of me), and Messrs French and Smith on the right. The sharp eyed will note that I am wearing Matt's walking shoes.  My own shoes decided to stay in Hampshire for the day!    

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Update 21 - 17 months on...sack the blogger....sack the husband 17th March, 2015

Hmmm, sorry doesn't really cover it does it!  New Year's Resolution, keep on top of the blog! It has been so long that I am going to start from now and work back quickly over the past year.  It has been pretty eventful from an Emma health perspective.  We visit the Royal Marsden tomorrow to meet with a member of Prof De Bono's team. We have yet to meet the great man himself so whether he is tiny and insignificant and in the mold of the Wizard of Oz or a towering figure remains to be seen. All that we know at the moment is that he has a penchant for attractive European lady doctors, two of which we have met recently.

We are awaiting news of possible trials for Emma at the moment. This is because her cancer has become chemo resistant which is rather irritating.  The Marsden runs around 32 trials at any one time so we are very hopeful of a result.  We last visited two weeks.  Emma is doing really well despite quite a bit of pain and trouble sleeping.  She is being looked after by and excellent palliative care consultant at the Royal Surrey so she is now patched up to the eyeballs.  Her bedside table is beginning to look like a Tracey Emin piece. Time to post.  Sorry again and love to all if anyone is still even hooked up to this blog after all this time.  Send messages please this will encourage me to do more blogging. Andrew

Emma looking very glam despite being in Doncaster for my team Christmas do!  Dec 2014

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3 out of 4 McCafferty's is not a bad count.   Jim, Max and Freddie on a visit from Hong Kong in December 2013, we missed Clare though.  Walking around Frensham Little Pond.  
The arrival of Mac, our chocolate brown working cocker spaniel has to rank as the event of the year - possibly the decade in the Kinniburgh household.  Emma and Mac had some difficulty keeping their eyes open in January 2014. 

My beautiful girls on Ludshott Common, summer 2014

Mac again before he started growing in earnest

Emma experiencing what it would be like to ride in a carriage at the National Carriage Museum at Arlington Court in Devon on our annual Quickfall / Kinniburgh week away.  

For the nerds out there that like aircraft this is an RAF E3-D Sentry AWACS on flight test at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire.  I have been working there for 12 months now and hopefully longer as an independent consultant.  

Emma looking rather gorge in October 2014 
The full grown version of Mac.  Still pretty cute though. 

The children at Wisley Food Festival October 2014.  The sharp eyed amongst you will spot an old pal from Edinburgh on the left of the picture included by coincidence - small world.  
James, Rebecca and Hannah at the Royal Surrey Regimental Museum at the Clanfield Park, Guildford in October 2014.

A rather small soldier with a rather large cap on!

The amazing poppies at the Tower of London in November 2014.

Another poppy shot from Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London.

The glamour pusses at Hannah's 12th birthday party in November 2014.   

Monday 4 November 2013

Update 19 - 4th November, 2013

SORRY AGAIN!!! Late and short as usual.  Lots to tell and very little time at the moment.  In short Emma has continued to do pretty well health wise.  She has no symptoms to speak of and is still keeping really fit and swimming loads and really just getting on with normal life.  She has spent the last couple of months discussing and planning for a clinical trial via the Surrey Clinical Research Centre which is attached to the hospital and university.
We have a new protagonist in the form of Research Oncologist Dr Ajaz (of course know by us Ajax - son of a Greek God - can't remember which one).  Very suave chap although not quite so Saville Row, Rolex and Mont Blanc blinged up as some of the other consultants.  Smart casual I would say.  We haven't established if he drives a Porsche yet.
He is running a Phase 1 Clinical Trial using immunotherapy.  This is basically loading Emma up with a modified form of Vaccinia (smallpox vaccine).  This should hopefully kick-start Emma's immune system to fight the cancer itself. This is potentially exciting but clearly it is early days.  We hope and pray that this will have an impact.
Side effects are mainly flu like symptoms after each treatment and she has to stay in what amounts to a bio containment facility in the research centre during the treatment - basically a self contained metal lined box with a door. Prisoner in Cell Block H here we come. This week will be the longest stay from Monday to Friday and then it is weekly for 1 or 2 nights up to Christmas Eve.  So it is quite a long treatment but very worthwhile.
The lead up has been a bit of a nightmare with loads and loads of every conceivable scan known to man, biopsies, cardiograms etc etc.  However we are now here and I shall be in a gown and mask for the rest of week for visiting.  Emma is fully wi-fi'd up so please send her a cheery message if you get chance.  She may even honour us all with a personal blog during her time doing porridge - OH YES!!!!!  Photos below are a bit random of the children from Spain in August but they are lovely and they are all I have got at the moment.
Love to all in the meantime and God Bless.
Andrew xx
Hannah at the Cowboy Western Film Set / Zoo in Spain (weird combo but a great day out)

James at the Cowboy Western Film Set / Zoo in Spain

Rebecca at the Cowboy Western Film Set / Zoo in Spain